Last week a very dear friend of mine from le States came out to Londontowne to see what all the fuss was about. I’m pretty sure I’ve convinced her to move here with me, much to the chagrin of her family. But what can I say? I used to want to be a lawyer, kind …
Now that going back to the States next month is looking unlikely, I have to face the fact that all the things I’ve been looking forward to for MONTHS, such as huge portion sizes, TWPs, doughnuts, real Rap music, wine and fries at Jonesy’s, brunch at Jelly, burning my skin off at the beach, quality …
One of the greatest things about living in a foreign country is having the opportunity to be really, really, really inculcated into the “way things are done”. Although I’ve been ridiculously lucky with the many opportunities I’ve had to travel around the world, I had yet to have the opportunity to assimilate to another culture, …
You know what “they” say- one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. This is so true, my friends. So true. Several years ago in Denver, I was trying to drive down the alley behind HBL’s apartment but couldn’t because it was clogged with stuff. It literally looked like there was a yard sale on, or …
Today’s SAT Prep Question: New York: Denver Paris:______ a. London b. Dubai c. Budapest Yes, the correct answer is “C”. Budapest has all of the best elements of Paris, including beautiful architecture, amazing riverside walking paths, ornate ponts, tree-lined boulevards, unbelievable nightlife and opportunities to wine/dine/romance your sig. other without the associated annoying bits, such …
With all the awards ceremonies that have been going on lately, I have inevitably had the urge to give my two cents about the superlative artistic so-called “achievements” of the past year. Because I have absolutely no qualifications to make these assessments (rather reminiscent of the panel on women’s health that the US Congress convened …
So as it turns out, living in a major metropolitan area doesn’t only offer good Chinese takeaway and potentially-productive hours lost people watching. In actuality, the Three Man Electrical Band was right, signs are everywhere and, if you take a moment to investigate, are quite entertaining. Right on. V.O.M. Why are the policeman, woman and …
Hoorah for finally seeing my first Clint Eastwood movie, Sudden Impact. It clearly has had an impact on me, as I keep insisting on going around using strange phrases in a husky voice whilst deluding myself into thinking I’m a totally badass. Wait…maybe it’s not such a delusion. At the super successful Hatchet Job of …
This morning when I looked out my window and viewed the Dickens-esque snow scene in Weaver’s Fields as pictured below, I did not think about it’s beauty, or the inherent magic of snow, or even how it made me slightly homesick for Denver. Instead, my immediate thoughts turned to the status of London Transport, which …
This could happen to anyone, anywhere. However, it happened to Hannah and me. In London. Think of the fact that this could happen to you before you make a judgment. As an aside, I think this story merits urban legend status. So, ANYWAY… Last week my friend Hannah and I were walking down one of …