King Pigeon

Just a little bit of introspection: There are very few yoga poses that are so uncomfortable for me as King Pigeon. From my gracilis to my quad to my ankle, I often feel extreme intensity as I stretch what seems like every muscle below my hip in this posture, and many a teacher has remarked …


I don’t consider myself to be particularly anal retentive. (Or is the vogue term OCD? What’s the DSM using nowadays? Is anal retentive even a thing anymore?! They change so fast I can’t keep up.) ANYWAY, even though I don’t think I pay specific attention to my surroundings most of the time, which makes this a very …

99 Red Balloons

Anyone who went to WM should know what this is…photo courtesy of the talented M.M. Posey, as I don’t do Williamsburg anymore Ahhhhh. Beautiful. Photo courtesy of M.M. Posey, that lovely photogfriend o’mine I still remember the first time I heard the song “99 Red Balloons.” I was in high school, at a Kick in …

On the trail…

Since anyone who knows me knows my political leanings, not to mention that I find it counterproductive to make statements about my political beliefs online, I’m going to bite my tongue until it bleeds and abstain from making any comments on the candidates themselves. This is really hard considering that I’m eating, breathing and sleeping …