Tolni, Kosonom, Mosdo, Nyitva!

Today’s SAT Prep Question:
New York: Denver
a. London
b. Dubai
 c. Budapest
Yes, the correct answer is “C”. Budapest has all of the best
elements of Paris, including beautiful architecture, amazing riverside walking paths, ornate ponts, tree-lined boulevards, unbelievable nightlife and opportunities to wine/dine/romance your sig. other without the associated annoying
bits, such as smelly, polluted streets, crowded, dangerous metros and
zillions of tourists who stand in the middle of the street, agog and
aghast at cursive neon lights, multicolored bunting and old men drinking wine and smoking cigs at 9 AM.
Baths in Buda
St Stephen’s Cathedral
Fantastic architecture

Hungarian Independence Day Celebration
Danube River
Traditional Hungarian cooking…mmmmm!
Hungarian Parliament
It is always a question of balance, isn’t it?
A view of the Buda side of the city
Holocaust Memorial on the bank of the Danube
Another amazing bath


  1. Angie Silver

    I have always wanted to go to Budapest, this is second best to actually going. Xx

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