LA by Car

Last week I had to go to LA for business. I really love the beach- and truly miss it since moving to Denver- and am absolutely obsessed with the mishmash of palm trees, mountains, desert and greenery that the LA area is so rife with. However, one thing I don’t love about LA is the traffic (as almost anyone else there will agree, I’m sure).

The traffic made what could have been a fun trip with perhaps a nip to the beach into a long tour of the 405. While I was able to rent a car for the first time, which was very exciting, and meet up with an old friend for dinner, nothing much else of note occurred in the two days I spent in the LA area because I was in the car pretty much the entire time.

I recently visited the LA area a few months ago, so if you’re wondering what LA is like, that post will be more entertaining. However, risking life and limb, I did get some good snaps of the city from the car, so I hereby present you a nice driving tour replete with random photos of the LA area.

From top right: my first rental car (yay!) | Ventura Blvd. “sidewalk” | Dusk on Sepulveda Blvd. | The Old World Scramble at the Blu Jam Cafe (clearly not taken from a car window on my phone!) | Brooklyn Bagels (AMAZING bagels made with water “imported” from Brooklyn) on Beverly Blvd | The 405, at a standstill (per usual) 


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