Fresh Hotel, Athens Greece

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

On my recent trip to Athens, I was lucky enough to get to stay at Fresh Hotel. Located right in central Athens, it was within a quick walking distance of everywhere the tourist in me wanted to go. Which, since I only had 48 hours in the city, was a good thing!

The hotel itself is located in a corner building on a busy street right across from the central market. From the outside, it doesn’t look like much. But on the other side of that revolving door, you’ll find something completely different!

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

The hotel is decorated in kind of a quirky way, but, as I found with the rest of Greece, its quirks work really well with what’s immediately surrounding it. The colorful interiors and weird shapes are really set off when compared to the weather-warn, grimy concrete and stone of the buildings outside.

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

Although its a four-star hotel, I felt the rooms were a little basic. Maybe it was just because mine was on the fourth floor, so very dark from the surrounding city buildings, but it just felt kind of dingy.

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

Unlike the downstairs, there was very little decoration in the room- and the ones that were in there looked like something from Urban Outfitters.

The bathroom was a bit better, with really, really nice toiletries. (I had no idea Korres was Greek!)

Fresh Hotel Athens Review
Fresh Hotel Athens Review

Fresh Hotel Athens Review

Fresh Hotel Athens Review

Fresh Hotel Athens Review

This is one place where I kept all the toiletries- I’m still using the body milk!

The view from my room was definitely a city view, and kind of grotty at that. But I was in Athens, one of the places I’d always dreamed of visiting, so it didn’t bother me much.

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

The view was very authentic, with no airs, if nothing else.

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

My favorite part about the hotel is the rooftop. Anyway, why, in Greece, would you want to stay in your room, except to sleep and shower? If you’re going to spend time at the hotel, spend it up here.

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

There’s a bar, and amazing pool and some pretty kick ass views of the city.

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

Fresh Hotel Athens Greece

Fresh Hotel was clean, with an awesome view and a REALLY amazing location. If you’re looking to spend your holiday in the lap of luxury, I’m not sure if this is your place, but if you want to be close to everything in Athens, this is definitely a good option.



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