Hell’s Hole, Colorado

This weekend I did something very unlike me: I went hiking.

I don’t even own a pair of proper sneakers. My yoga mat and Vibrams take care of all the fitness needs I have. However, I was begged, so I threw caution to the wind and let myself be dragged up a mountain.

 At the time I thought the name of the trail, Hell’s Hole, quite apropos, as there were still snow patches on the ground and my feet were FREEZING, but as we drove back to the city, I was able to warm up my frozen toes and now look back semi-fondly on the adventure.

 However, if asked to go hiking in the Rockie again before July, I will say no. At least I got some good pictures for your viewing pleasure!

This weekend I’m headed to Santa Fe, where there is sure to be sun, desert sands and no signs of snow.   That being said, there sure won’t be views like those above, either!


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