I will start this post by telling you I’m not shilling any products. I paid the £65 for this juice cleanse. This is a real review and not a sponsored post. But its bathing suit season and I know that a lot of people are wondering how to get bikini body ready. I’ve been working out …
When MB suggested we take a weekend trip to Lake Como, I was on the fence. We’d already visited Lake Garda in the autumn, did I want to keep going to Italian lakes, or try something new? I’m glad I let her convince me to give Como a try. It is seriously one of the …
I wasn’t sure what to expect from Bruges. My only exposure has been through the movie “In Bruges” and the occasional Christmas market photo on Pinterest. I’m happy to report back that it was a delight! I’m starting to reach the end of my Europe “to go” list. Bruges was on the list, though, and …
Last weekend I went to Lyon, France for a friend’s wedding. I’ve expanded my French travels a lot in the past year, going past Paris to Cannes, and now Lyon! Lyon is much more provincial than Paris, which was just fine with me. It is much smaller, more colorful and far fewer people speak English, …
I spent my birthday this year in Prague. To be honest, it wasn’t a place that was high up on my list. I had wanted to go to St. Petersburg, but one glance at the paperwork required for a visa quickly dissuaded me. It turns out, Prague is an amazing, amazing city. I clearly was …
I’ve been to Paris loads of times now– whenever a friend is in town from the US, they want to visit. Then there are the times that I want to go on my own, or for an exhibition or concert. Crazily, its both quicker and easier to get to than most places in the UK, …
I didn’t exactly grow up on skis. After a pretty bad accident at age 5, I stayed away from snow sports for a while. Living in Denver, however, I had to get into winter sports to fit in. I started “slow,” with cross country skiing, which is actually pretty difficult. That also gave me a better …
On my trip from Argentina to Brazil, I flew Aerolineas Argentina (AA). There are surprisingly few flights between Buenos Aires and Rio, so the options were limited to AA, Emirates and Latam. AA had the best flight times, and a sweet little feature where you can offer money for upgrades. Think Ebay bidding for a …
You know those crazy times when you think to yourself, “This is a once in a lifetime experience, so I better enjoy it?” My last trip to Brazil was one of those. I was convinced that I’d never have the time, money or otherwise necessary resources to go back. Yet, I found myself back again …
Argentina is one of those places I’ve always wanted to get to. I love Gotan Project, wine and the outdoors. Its kind of a far cry from London, though, so I needed the perfect opportunity to get me there. Thank you, R., for getting married! Getting us to Brazil for the wedding was most of …